
Marco Luigi Antonioli

Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Ferrara.

Elisa Arcioni

Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Sydney Law School, Australia.

Mariaelena Attardo

Bank advisor in Banco BPM

Carola Audisio

Lawyer at the bar of Milan.

Loïc Azoulai

Professor at Sciences Po Law School Paris.

Antonio Barone

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Catania.

Stefano Battini

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Tuscia.

Elisa Bellomo

PhD in Administrative Law from the University of Eastern Piedmont and Lawyer at the bar of Turin

Patrick Birkinshaw

Emeritus Professor of Public law at University of Hull

Monica Bonini

Associate Professor of Public Law at the Bicocca University of Milan

Maria Elisa Borrelli

Deputy Secretary General of the Municipality of Milan

Jonas Botta

Senior Researcher at the German Research Institute for Public Administration.

Gabriele Bottino

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan and Deputy Editor in Chief of CERIDAP

Gabriele Maria Brenca

Head of Procurement and Contracts Organizational Unit of Brescia Infrastrutture S.r.l. - In-house company of the Municipality of Brescia. Statutory auditor.

Valentina Buratti

Research Fellow at the Department of Italian and Supranational public law, University of Milan. PhD in Administrative Law, University of Pavia.

Riccardo Cabazzi

PhD in Public Law and Executive Instructor in the Municipality of Castelgomberto.

Benedetta Cappiello

Senior lecturer in International Law at the University of Milan and Lawyer at the bar of Milan.

Gherardo Carullo

Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan. Lawyer at the bar of Bologna.

Cristiano Celone

Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Palermo.

Paola Chirulli

Full Professor of Administrative Law, "Sapienza" University of Rome.

Renato Civitillo

Senior lecturer of Business Administration, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Political Science

Marcello Clarich

Full Professor of Administrative Law, "Sapienza" University of Rome.

Carlo Colapietro

Full Professor of Public Law at the University of Roma Tre

Fulvio Cortese

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Trento.

Juan G. Corvalán

Director of the Multidisciplinary Training Program in Data, Programming and Artificial Intelligence and of the "Laboratorio de Innovación e Inteligencia Artificial" (IALAB UBA) at Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Susanna Croci

Graduated in International Sciences and European Institutions at the University of Milan. City Council member to the Budget, Taxes and Associated Companies, in the Municipality of Venegono Superiore

José Luís da Cruz Vilaça

Professor of EU law; Managing Partner of CVA; Former Advocate-General and Judge of the CJEU; Former President of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (now the General Court of the EU)

Vania Danzi

PhD student and Subject expert in Administrative Law and European Administrative Law at the University of Milan

Lavinia Del Corona

Research Fellow at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policies, University of Milan. PhD in Constitutional Law, University of Milan.

Gianluigi Delle Cave

PhD student and subject expert in Administrative Law at the University of Brescia

Andrea De Petris

Scientific Director at the Center of European Politics. Researcher type A in Comparative public law at the University of International Studies of Rome.

Alberto Di Mario

Judge of Regional Administrative Court, Lombardy-Milan.

Andrew Edgar

Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Sydney Law School, Australia.

Franka Enderlein

Research Assistant at the Public Law Department, University of Freiburg - Institute for Media and Information Law.

Elena Falletti

Senior Lecturer in Comparative Private Law and Law and Technology, "Carlo Cattaneo" University (LIUC), Castellanza.

Rosario Ferrara

Professor Emeritus of Administrative Law, University of Turin.

Nannerel Fiano

Research fellow in Constitutional Law at the Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, University of Milan

Alessia Fidelangeli

Research fellow at CIRSFID-Alma AI, University of Bologna. Ph.D. Student in European Tax Law at Bologna University.

Federico Finazzi

Lawyer at the Bar of Milan

Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle

Professor of Public Law, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. Coordinator of the research program "European Administrative Space" at the German Institute for Public Administration Research

Vincenzo Franceschelli

Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Milan-Bicocca.

Claudio Franchini †

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Rocco Freda

Certified Public Accountant, Statutory Auditor. Adjunct Professor, University "Foro Italico" of Rome.

Tommaso Edoardo Frosini

Full Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of "Suor Orsola Benincasa".

Emanuela Furiosi

Research fellow at the IUSS (Scuola Universitaria Superiore) of Pavia, Lawyer at the bar of Milan. Co-founder of

Paride Fusaro

Activity Development Specialist of the Training Academy for the Lombardy Social and Health Service (AFSSL) of PoliS-Lombardia.

Floriana Fusco

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Sannio, Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods.

Federico Gaffuri

Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan and Lawyer at the bar of Milan

Federico Galli

Research Fellow at CIRSFID-Alma AI, University of Bologna. PhD in Law Science and Technology from the University of Bologna and in Computer Science from University of Luxembourg.

Eduardo Gamero Casado

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Pablo de Olavide, Seville.

Massimo Giavazzi

Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan. Lawyer at the bar of Bergamo.

Andrea Giordano

Judge of the Court of Auditors.

Anna Giurickovic Dato

Lawyer at the Bar of Rome. Research fellow in Administrative Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata". Contract Professor of Tourism Law at the "Mercatorum" University.

Mario Gorlani

Full Professor of Public Law Institutions at the University of Brescia.

Constance Grewe

Emeritus professor at the University of Strasbourg and former judge at the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004-2016)

Anna Grignani

PhD candidate in "Sustainable and solidarity-based democracy: rights, duties and institutions", at the University of Eastern Piedmont

Elio Guarnaccia

Lawyer in Catania, co-founder and senior partner of "FIL Studio Legale".

Emily Hammond

Senior Lecturer, Law School of the University of Sydney (Australia).

Esther Happacher

Full Professor of Public Law, University of Innsbruck - Institute of Italian Law.

Laura Hering

Post-doctoral research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law of Heidelberg

Herwig C.H. Hofmann

Full Professor of European and Transnational Public Law at the University of Luxembourg

Domenico Ielo

PhD in "Organisation and Functioning of the Public Administration", Lawyer at the Higher Courts at the Bar of Milan, Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan

Marta Ingaggiati

Phd student in Public Management and business organization at the University of Milan

Vittorio Italia

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan

Constanze Janda

Professor for Social Security Law and Administrative Science at German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer.

Hua Ji

Associate Professor of International Law, China Foreign Affairs University - Beijing.

Massimiliano Lanzi

Adjunct Professor at the University of Parma

Pasquale La Selva

PhD Student in Law, University of Perugia.

Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini

Project Manager in the Directorate-General for Informatics (DG DIGIT) of the European Commission

Benedetta Liberali

Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Milano

Irene Lipowicz

Full Professor of Administrative Law and Local Autonomy, "Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski" University of Warsaw.

Paola Lombardi

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Brescia.

Roberta Lombardi

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Piemonte Orientale.

Micaela Lottini

Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Roma Tre

Andrea Maltoni

Full Professor of Administrative law, University of Milan.

Veith Mehde

Full Professor of Public Law, "Leibniz" University of Hanover.

Eva Maria Menéndez Sebastián

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Oviedo.

Francesco Merenda

PhD student in Legality, Political Cultures and Democracy, University of Perugia.

Franz Merli

Full Professor of Public Law at the University of Vienna.

Oriol Mir Puigpelat

Full Professor of Administrative Law, "Pompeu Fabra" University of Barcelona.

Murtaza Mohiqi

PhD candidate in Private Law at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Scientific Board Member of Gharjistan University, Afghanistan

Mohammad Mustafa Mohiqi

PhD in Private Law, Scientific Board member of Kateb University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Clara Napolitano

Associate Professor of Administrative Law in the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salento

Federico Nassuato

PhD in Administrative Law at the University of Udine.

Riccardo Nobile

General Secretary of the Municipality of Pavia. Publicist journalist

Marco Pagani

Founder and CEO of

Matteo Palma

PhD student in Public, International and EU (curriculum Administrative Law) at the University of Milan

Giovanni Pasceri

Lawyer at the bar of Milan

Luca Pellizzoni

PhD student in "Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" (Public Administration - Administrative Law), University of Trieste.

Vasco Pereira da Silva

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Lisbon.

Ivo Pilving

Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Tartu.

Giulia Pinotti

PhD in Administrative Law at the University of Milan

Giacomo Pisani

Graduated in Jurisprudence and Subject expert in Administrative Law at the University of Milan

Giuseppe Poderati

Ph.D. student at the Research Institute of Environmental Law – Wuhan University. LL.M. in Asian Legal Studies at the National University of Singapore.

Pier Luigi Portaluri

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Salento.

Magdalena Porzeżyńska

Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Warsaw.

Paolo Provenzano

Researcher type B in Administrative Law in the University of Milan and Lawyer at the bar of Milan (qualified as Associate Professor)

Beatrice Rabai

Research fellow at the Department of Law, University of Pavia. Adjunct Professor in Prevention, Privacy and new Technologies Law at the University of Pavia. Lawyer at the Bar of Pavia.

Margherita Ramajoli

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Milan.

Barbara Randazzo

Full Professor of Public law, University of Milan.

Nicoletta Rangone

Full Professor of Administrative Law, LUMSA University.

Jacopo Ratti

PhD student in Public, International and European Law, at the University of Milano

Giulia Re Ferrè

PhD student in Public, international and EU (curriculum Administrative Law) in the University of Milan

Jane Reichel

Full Professor of Administrative Law, Stockholm University.

Paolo Ricci

Full Professor of Public Accountability, University of Naples Federico II, Department of Political Science

Laura Rizzi

Graduated in Jurisprudence

Francesca Roncarolo

Ordinary Magistrate and subject expert in Administrative Law at the University of Milan

Stefano Rossa

Researcher type A in Administrative Law at the University of Piemonte Orientale.

Marco Salina

Lawyer at the bar of Milan, Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan as part of the postgraduate and specialization course in Administrative Law

Maria Alessandra Sandulli

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Roma Tre.

Daniel Sarmiento

Full Professor of Administrative and European Union Law at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid

Jens-Peter Schneider

Full professor of Public Law and Director of the Public Law Department, University of Freiburg - Institute for Media and Information Law.

Leonardo Scuto

PhD student in Public, international and EU Law (curriculum Administrative Law)

Margherita Sias

PhD student in Intersectorial Innovation (curriculum Administrative Law) at the University of Milan

Clara Silvano

Research fellow in Administrative Law, University of Padova. Lawyer at the Bar of Padova.

Karl-Peter Sommermann

Professor of Public Law, State Theory and Comparative Law, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. Senior Fellow at the German Institute for Public Administration Research.

Renata Spagnuolo Vigorita

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Federico II University of Naples

Mario Rosario Spasiano

Full Professor of Administrative law, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".

Vincenzo Terracciano

Graduated in Jurisprudence at the University of Milan

Antonio Felice Uricchio

Full Professor of Tax Law, "Aldo Moro" University of Bari. President of the National/Italian Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR).

Eleonora Vailati

Official O.U. Tender of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi and expert in Administrative Law at the University of Milan.

Marco Velliscig

Lawyer at the bar of Udine

Giancarlo Vilella

Adjunct Professor at the University of Milan and the Polytechnic University of Marche, former Director General of the Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support of the European Parliament

Stefano Villamena

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Law of the University of Macerata.

Jörn von Lucke

Professor of Public Sector Informatics and Business Informatics, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Federico Votta

PhD student at the University Bicocca of Milan and Lawyer at the Bar of Milan.

Joseph H.H. Weiler

Professor of Law at the University of New York and Director of the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice

Elias Wirth

PhD, Research Assistant for Public Law and European Law at the Faculty of Law at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna

Bruna Žuber

Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Ljubljana.