Interdisciplinary Research Center on Public Administration


The evolution of Public Administrations constantly moves from the legal, regulatory, and jurisprudential perspective, which conforms to every organization and activity. Public Administrations, to extricate themselves from a complex and multidimensional administrative system, must necessarily integrate broad and diverse knowledge, and specific and interdisciplinary expertise, relating both to the organization and the exercise of their competence.

By exploiting the interdisciplinary skills of its members and collaborators, CERIDAP intercepts these needs, acting as a support to the objective of carrying out a more efficient and more impartial administrative action, also making use of the tools currently envisaged by the renewed regulatory context with which the national legislator wanted to implement the “digital-first” principle.

This is achieved by taking into account both the purely legal aspects and those related to political science in order to understand the needs of society and the social sphere, therefore considering not only the right of administration but also the interactions of public subjects in the administered community and therefore the expectations of citizens towards them.

Through this perspective, important issues related to the three pillars of administration are highlighted: organization, activity, and judicial protection. Regarding organizational issues, CERIDAP aims to give substance to the obligation of personnel training and the acquisition of the skills and means necessary to implement the new exigencies proposed by the legislator. Concerning the administrative activity profiles, the activities of the Research Center aim primarily at evaluating the stability of the procedural guarantees and the restrictions related to the functionalization of administrative action before the new dynamics that characterize the functioning of public offices. Finally, the logic underlying judicial protection is also carefully observed to guarantee the fullness of the protection of legal relationships as guaranteed by the Italian Constitution.

CERIDAP is, therefore, a place for in-depth study and research on issues related to the functioning of the Public Administration in a perspective of the so-called “Good administration” principle, and identifies itself as an interlocutor of public and private institutions, both national and European, interested in the mentioned topics.

Organs of the Centre

The Coordinated Research Centre (CRC) is guided and directed by the following bodies:

Scientific Director;

Steering Committee;

Coordinators Committee.

CERIDAP was born thanks to the proposals and initiative of various professors of the University of Milan.