
sospensione procedimenti mministrativi

The contribution analyzes the discipline on the suspension of procedural terms provided for by the "Cura Italia" decree, highlighting some of its critical aspects.

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With decree no. 31 issued on 10 April 2020, the President of the Regional Administrative Court for Friuli Venezia Giulia rejected the request for precautionary protection against the contingent and urgent order n.7 / PC issued by the President of the Region on 3 April 2020 with pandemic containment measures more stringent than national ones, including the closing of shops on Sunday.

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Coronavirus mascherina Duomo Milano

This paper answers to some questions on the relationship between the European Union and Italy in this period of crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Due to the coronavirus emergency, public authorities are faced with the unprecedented challenge of ensuring that the entire national population complies with the measures to contain the pandemic. Against the very high number of checks to be carried out, and the limited resources available to the police, the contribution examines how technology can be a valid support in the activities of administrations.

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appalti pubblici cantiere coronavirus

The emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic leads us to reflect on tools that Public Administrations can use on public procurement contracts (services, supplies, works) about healthcare. The analysis will focus on italian “Public Contract Code”, on Ordinances n. 630 and 639/2020 (Civil Protection Department), and European Commission Communication 1.04.2020.

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European Parliament

Among its many effects, the Covid-19 health emergency has put the functioning of democratic institutions under an unusual pressure. Parliaments are forced to give the executive branch powers to deal with the exceptional situation the virus has created. If proper balancing measures are not taken, there are risks for democracy in the near future. The article examines how the EU Parliament has faced this challenge, both from a legal point of view, and the technological solutions that have been implemented. The aim is to provide a relevant example for future developments.

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Coronavirus mascherina

Local authorities are increasingly called “proximity public administrations”: proximity to the needs of their citizens. The experience of the “Covid-19” pandemic represents an authentic “proof” for all local administrations. The essay analyzes the role that, according to the most recent state regulatory provisions, the Republic entrusts to local authorities, in order to actively support its citizens.

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