Stefano D'Ancona

Research fellow at the IUSS (Scuola Universitaria Superiore) of Pavia and Lawyer at the bar of Milan (qualified as Associate Professor of Administrative Law)

The Regional Administrative Court of Lazio referred to the Court of Justice three questions concerning the compatibility of the Italian rules on sporting disciplinary sanctions (Decree-Law n. 220/2003 converted into Law n. 280/2003) with European Union law and, in particular, with the principle of effective judicial protection, with the principle of legality, with the principle of the specific nature and sufficient determination of the offences, and with the fundamental freedoms under Articles 45, 49 and 56 TFEU.

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This contribution outlines the provision of preliminary assistance in administration as seen in recent legislation and case law. First, the key elements of preliminary assistance are described. Then, the analysis addresses the jurisprudential orientations related to its application in the context of digitalized administrative action. The authors propose that, on the one hand, preliminary assistance is an essential means of overcoming technological problems and the digital divide between citizens and government administration, and, on the other, it is a tool for implementing the principles of simplification by helping to reduce the burdens on private individuals who participate in the administrative procedure.

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appalti pubblici cantiere coronavirus

The emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic leads us to reflect on tools that Public Administrations can use on public procurement contracts (services, supplies, works) about healthcare. The analysis will focus on italian “Public Contract Code”, on Ordinances n. 630 and 639/2020 (Civil Protection Department), and European Commission Communication 1.04.2020.

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