Public contracts

accesso civico documenti

This paper analyzes the order n. 8501/2019 of Referral to the Plenary Session about the possibility for a subject, even if not direct holder of a concrete interest, to request the viewing of documents belonging to the PA, through the generalized civic access ex art. 5, c. 2, Legislative Decree 33/2013. In the case here analyzed, reference is made to the possibility of using the tool of generalized civic access in public procurement.

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appalti pubblici cantiere coronavirus

The emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic leads us to reflect on tools that Public Administrations can use on public procurement contracts (services, supplies, works) about healthcare. The analysis will focus on italian “Public Contract Code”, on Ordinances n. 630 and 639/2020 (Civil Protection Department), and European Commission Communication 1.04.2020.

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