Eva Maria Menéndez Sebastián

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Oviedo.

In recent years, Public Administrations in Spain has undergone significant evolution, particularly due to the emergence of new public governance models, the concept of administrative citizenship (which pertains to the evolving relationship between citizens and the Administration), and the disruptive impact of technology. However, Spain has yet to adapt its public employment system to effectively address this new situation. Moreover, the complexity is further compounded by the challenge of establishing a dual typology of public employees and the increasing addition of employees to which general labor law norms apply. This paper explores the key issues stemming from this situation and emphasizes the urgent need to address them promptly, in order to facilitate a suitable transformation of the Spanish public employment and civil service system.

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Public administration is immersed in a major technological disruption that raises interesting questions and legal debates. The use of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of them. However, this phenomenon must be analysed in the context of the general transformation that the public sector is undergoing, the so-called “public governance”, with all that this implies, in short, a new relationship between citizens and public authorities, which marks the scenario in which the current Administration must act. Bearing in mind that the very essence of administrative law hinges on a constant duality, this paper analyses the use of artificial intelligence in the public sector, seeking the eternal balance between efficiency and guarantees.

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